After a year...
Almost one year of silence but for a reason. No time available!
In addition the 3D printer needed quite some work, especially the projector and the right filtering of the light in order to produce big-sized and high-definition pieces.
In addition the 3D printer needed quite some work, especially the projector and the right filtering of the light in order to produce big-sized and high-definition pieces.
Lots of pieces had to be redesigned from the beginning because more photos have been found on the internet and I found out that the dimensions and the shape were not so correct.
So here are some photos of new pieces. Soon I will assemble them on the helicopter and post new photos.
Crosstube covers made of carbon-fiber composite. The master has been printed with another 3D printer of a friend. Thanks Jean-Phi!

Below some photos of the fully redesigned footsteps based on some photos found on ebay for spare parts.

Now some pretty 3D-printed exhausts using my modified mUVe3D printer. They are printed as you see them right up and without a single support. The mechanics have worked in perfection!

Below the re-printed big tail antenna. The shape of the base is rounded with Boolean operations on the 3D scanned surface of the model's tail boom using Autodesk MeshMixer.

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